Category Archive: Big Data BI

Applying business intelligence to structured and unstructured data sets typically too large to store or process on a single machine

Revolt against the Chief Data Officer

There seem to be an increase in the creation and appointment of Chief Data Officers. Personally I think many organisations are abusing the title and the role to overcome other problems on their executive level. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

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Big data in healthcare

Some healthcare practitioners smirk when you tell them that you used some alternative medication such as homeopathy or naturopathy to cure some illness. However, in the longer run it sometimes really is a much better solution, even if it takes longer, because it encourages and enables the body to fight the disease naturally, and in …

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Enterprise IQ MDM and Data Governance Summit

Last week I attended the MDM and Data Governance Summit Asia Pacific 2013 in Sydney, organised by Enterprise IQ. Over the two days MDM was covered extensively and in depth, with a solid dose of Data Governance thrown in. With so many good sessions, it is quite a challenge to provide a thorough summary as well …

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Big Data and MDM

Big Data and MDM Master Data Management

In preparation for Enterprise IQ’s upcoming 8th Annual MDM & Data Governance Summit, I have been researching the touch points between Big Data and Master Data Management (MDM). To set the context, at the recent Gartner MDM Summit, research vice presidents Andrew White and John Radcliffe stated that the increased popularity of social media, cloud …

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Big Data Privacy

In my previous blog I discussed Big Data Security, which is about the protection of data in storage and in transit. In this post I focus on privacy, which refers to protecting the rights of the individuals or organisations represented by the data. Privacy breaches of any sensitive data can cost an organisation dearly, both …

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Big Data Security

Because Big Data is really about volumes of new information moving into, within and through the organisation, two key factors that must be considered are security and privacy. Security is about the protection of the data in storage and in transit, whereas privacy refers to protecting the rights of the “subjects” represented by the data. …

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HISA Big Data 2013 Conference

I was fortunate to attend the HISA Big Data in Health and Biomedicine conference in Melbourne. The HISA conference is one of my favourites, because you get to hear about all the interesting and challenging applications of analytics in this intrinsically rewarding field. Last year the conference was about Data Governance, with Big Data featuring …

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Big Data and the BI Ecosystem

The Big Data movement is transforming long-established data warehouse architectures into multifaceted analytical ecosystems, in which the time dimension has also seen been ratcheted up a few notches. In the good old days data was extracted from operational systems, batch-processed through a data warehouse, transformed to information and delivered to a relatively small group of …

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Big Data Categorised

In my previous post I criticised the 3Vs as a definition of Big Data, offered our own working description and presented “6VS” as a more encompassing characterisation. In this post I categorise the different types of Big Data to get to an explanation why there cannot be a single definition. Categorising the various types of …

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