Category Archive: Data governance

Data governance

The uniqueness of modern data quality management

Last month I addressed how data quality is perceived by different specialists inside the organisation. This month, I turn the spotlight onto what makes modern data quality management different from traditional approaches. Edwin Walker’s Data Science Central article ‘Difference between modern and traditional data quality’ provides an excellent starting point.

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Data quality is in the eye of the beholder

The quality of the data we work with has a significant impact on the quality of the insights we can extrapolate for the business. Following on from my recent mini-series on the evolving data-related roles, it was interesting to come across Edwin Walker’s article on Data Science Central titled: ‘How do different personas in an …

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More evolving data-related roles

Last month, I discussed the evolving roles of the Chief Data Officer (CDO), Chief Analytics Officer (CAO), and the Data Engineer. In my blog post this month, I will delve deeper into several of the other roles related to data engineering, as well as the evolution of the role of the Business Analyst.

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Examining the continually evolving data-related roles

In my quest to continuously learn more about data-related roles, I have recently come across two very interesting articles that suggest that data-related roles will be changing throughout the remainder of the year. These pieces share some great insight, and I couldn’t resist the opportunity to share my additional views and so in this, the …

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Complexities behind establishing the CDO role

Regular readers of my posts will know that I’m a big advocate of the Chief Data Officer (CDO) role. Also sometimes referred to as the Chief Data and Analytics Officer (CDAO), establishing this role and getting it woven into the organisational fabric doesn’t happen without challenges.

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Understanding the causes and risks of data waste

In recent years, there has been a significant focus on individuals and organisations to reduce waste in support of global climate change and environmentally conscious efforts. In my blog post this month, I turn the spotlight on a different sort of waste. This is something which every business around the world struggles with – data …

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Conference report back: The practical ways data is transforming healthcare

I was fortunate to have been invited to attend the recent ‘Data & Analytics in Healthcare’ conference in Australia which took place at the end of March. The event was positioned as a ‘deep-dive into the data transformation taking place in healthcare across Australia – and aimed to explore efforts to transform the use of …

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Managing data-centricity during down-sizing

In my blog post this month, I will be discussing how an organisation can stay focused on improving data-centricity even if it is embarking on down-sizing initiatives. It stands to reason that during tougher economic times it is much more difficult to motivate for an upgrade to data-related infrastructure, an increase in staff, or even …

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How Chief Data Officers can generate and show value

Long-time readers of my blog will know that I’m a great advocate for the Chief Data Officer (CDO) role – and in the right context. This is even more so the case in companies where the CIO has more of a technology focus than a data-oriented one. I was therefore understandably excited by this Harvard …

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